Occidental House 1F
ALiving room
Refurbished to its original appearance, the living room where Sun received and entertained guests and dignitaries now awaits and welcomes museum visitors.
BSetting Out Amidst Chaos
Watch movie clips on land reform and US aid, try the hand-cranked power generator, listen to sounds from “paper speakers”, and feel how Sun and his Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) colleagues worked assiduously to repair and rebuild Taiwan’s electric power system from World War II damages.
CStory of Taiwan’s Economic Boom
Follow the history of how Taiwan transformed from a labor-intensive export-processing island in the 1950s into a high-technology innovator with the establishment of the Industrial Technology Research Institute and the development of first-generation wafer.
DTaking Helm of a Country in Trying Times
Manuscripts bearing meticulous revisions, a heavy and well-worn briefcase, passports with stamps of overseas trips witness how Sun steered Taiwan through the stormy years with successive economic and diplomatic crises.
EInteractive Multi-Projector Display
View the changing scenes of the museum compound from dawn to dusk.